Offshore Account




Offshore Bank Accounts






What is a Bank Account Offshore?


Or as some people call it an Offshore Account. The image your mind

might draw up is a tiny island sitting all by itself, in the big ocean with

a native under a tree, his pocket open asking you to make a deposit.

But Offshore Bank Accounts and Offshore Banks have been around

threw out history. From the stories of King Arthur's famous but

well hidden by a mysterious mist, Isle of Avalon where he kept his

"Offshore Accounts" to the safety and wealth of the Doges in Italy's

Venice (which is a city in the midst of 116 islands).





Often in history the safest place to secure your

wealth (no matter what amount) was not in your own country.

Especially if your country was prone to riots and becoming more

unstable every day. The bank picture at the top is the Bank Of

England one of the most trusted and powerful banks in the civilized

world. But several hundred years ago the Europeans on the main

continent considered the Bank Of England as an "offshore savings"

or what is called today an Offshore Bank.




Their was a time when to:

open offsore bank account you had to be a pirate flying the Jolly

Roger or a fugitive billionaire or even an organized crime boss, which

often are all three the same person. But today smart people who

worked hard for what they have, look to the safety and security of

keeping their valuables or liquid assets offshore, out of there own

country. Check out the advice from some of the worlds offshore

expertsby clicking on the links on this page, that won't cost you a

thing, and what you learn might save you everything.















































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