





"What do Dolmens and other megalithic monuments such as Stonehenge tell us?"


"These monuments form a path leading from the Land of Israel to the West. This path describes the routes of migration of the Lost Ten Tribes. This was predicted by Jeremiah (31:21) who told the Exiled Israelites to take note of this pathway of monuments in the future in order that they may know their duty to return.
See "Dolmens"
[Jer 31:21] Set thee up waymarks, make thee high heaps: set thine heart toward the highway, even the way which thou wentest: turn again, O virgin of Israel, turn again to these thy cities.

Dolmens and related monuments are found in the Land of Israel, in Jordan, in the Caucasus, in Spain, Brittany (France), Britain, and Scandinavia. The type of dolmen found in the area of ancient Israel (on both sides of the Jordan River) is the same as that found in western Europe.
The verse (Jeremiah 31;12) in the Hebrew be understood as saying:
"Establish waymarks [i.e."Tsionim" =dolmens] for yourself, set up for yourself high-heaps [i.e. cairns, "Tamrurim" = wayfare-markers]: put your heart [i.e. pay attention] to the pathways you went by and return, o virgin of Israel, come back to these cities of yours.

See also the Brit-Am Commentary to Jeremiah 31:12 on this issue.
See also
"Brit-Am Now"-390
#1. Megalithic Monuments: New Evidence (traces Scandinavian megalithic monuments to ca. 500 CE).
Abarbanel: "The prophet therefore spoke concerning the Kingdom of Israel [of the Ten Tribes] SET THEE UP WAYMARKS saying that when you g into Exile make signs by the routes and waymarks like piles of rocks [i.e. cairns] or stone monuments [Hebrew: Matzavah, i.e. dolmen] so that you may set your heart to the route and remember in order that you may return in the way you went in, return to your city."

Stone rings in North Germany once ascribed to the megalithic period (i.e. late stone age) now proven (by pottery fragments underneath them) beyond all doubt to belong to the Iron Age.
Similarly stone circles in Denmark, Norway, and Sweden must now be ascribed to ca. 400-550 CE."

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